Sunday, September 20, 2009

Call of the Wild

 Every morning and night since we've been here, we've heard a loon on the lake in front of our cabins.  I can't help but wonder when we won't hear the loon anymore, because the weather has told her its time to move on with her young. 
This morning we woke up to 1.5 celcius.  The weather is damp and cool.  We half expect the rain to turn to sleat and then snow one day.  It will probably come and go a few times before it is here to stay.  The locals tell us to be ready by mid October because that is when it is here to stay.  We were waiting to wake up and see snow on the higher peaks around us and today that is what happened, but as I write this the afternoon sun has warmed up enough to melt it. 
Though we enjoy the call of the loon everyday, we also are still waiting to hear a call of the wolf.  Maybe with the snow...


  1. That's a pretty picture you painted. I am glad you guys are having such a good time. Drive safe on Tuesday! We can't wait to hear how it goes.

  2. hello paul and heather i love the blog. you should send us your address so we can send you a care package. we need more pics i have to live through you guys and your adventures. well bye for now say hi to the kids and the rest of the advetuers. forgive my spelling no spell check Al
