Saturday, December 12, 2009

Countdown to Christmas

Well the tree is up and is it ever big! Probably 8.5 feet tall, way taller than our tree at home would ever be.  You know how it goes though, what looks small in the bush is huge in the house, luckily we have a loft only over the back half of the cabin and there is plenty on room for the tree.  The kids and I have been making decorations and will start to decorate as soon as the tree stops dripping, I'm thinking nap time for Laney will be about perfect.
We also have most of our gifts taken care of, thanks to internet shopping.  All I had ordered online came in the last time we went for mail, that was a huge relief.  You never know how busy Canada Post is this time of year and if our parcels will reach the post office they are picked up from by the mail truck that heads out our way once a week. 
As I mentioned though, not all the gifts are taken care of yet, we also have to get to work making a few.  We had decided with Tim and Martina that we would make gifts for each other.  So Paul and I have our plans, it's just putting them into action now that is left to do.  Hopefully it goes as smoothly as the plan looks in our head. 
The guys are at 61 Marten, 1 wolverine, and 1 lynx now. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Perfect Day

Today was just awesome.  After a good morning doing school work with Sasha and not arguing with her during the process, Martina and I completed the last steps of our wine, (12 more days and we can bottle it, Yahoo!)  Then we had our lunch and went out to skate on our newly formed rink.  The lake ice is thickening up fast now that our weather has taken a bit of a colder turn.  Our coldest we have seen here is still only -19 and today we warmed up to -10.
And as for the lake ice, we could not ask for a better Mother Nature made rink.  It was able to freeze without snow and it is like glass.  There are a few rough spots here and there but overall definitely a thumbs up.  The kids have been on it 2 days now and have improved already.  They went from needing a hand or a hockey stick for support, to doing it all on their own.  It's sure great to have the rink just a short walk from your doorstep.  To be able to glide along the shore and go and go and go, if you so desire is not something I have ever experienced, and I love it.  Because the lake froze without any snow and only a little frost on it, and because it was so clean and clear to begin with, you can see exactly what you are skating over, or coming up to.  The kids like to lay on the ice and look at the lake bottom, wishing and waiting to see a fish swim by.
So after an afternoon on the rink, we added on a layer where needed and headed off on the snowmobiles and located our Christmas tree.  Paul and I had spotted it earlier on one of our firewood runs.  Today was just a matter of getting the okay from kids, Sasha said "Yeah, it's good.....enough".  We took that answer as good enough too and down it came.  Laney had her first tongue frozen on metal experience as she just couldn't resist licking an ice chunk on the skimmer.  After that ordeal, which I think was more upsetting for Sasha to see, than for Laney to experience,  we cut another skimmer load of wood for the other sled and returned home.   Aron and I unloaded wood, while Sasha and Paul went and checked their marten boxes and squirrel snares that are close to home, but no luck on those this time.  After Paul got his sled and skimmer ready for tomorrow's day out on the line, we all came in to supper which I had started before going outside and had filled the cabin with a smell that said "Time to eat".  The kids seem to have pretty good appetites out here and no problem sleeping either.  After supper we sat down to play a game together and Aron didn't make it to the end.  He was asleep on the couch in to time.
Tomorrow, as I mentioned earlier, is a day checking traps for the guys, they are at 56 marten and 1 wolverine.  The kids and I will start making our tree decorations and most likely have a day off school.  I've quickly learned that myself and 3 kids in the cabin does not tend to be a productive day in school, so these days are better spent baking and doing fun things with them.  And I'll admit that usually trapine day is also usually a movie day for the kids.  Mommy puts on a movie for the kids and picks up a book for herself, and we all get to do exactly what we want for an hour or so.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Almost Frozen
The lake pretty much frozen over.

Sunrise in Oct