Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ahhh! 10 days to go!

OMG there is so much to do. Our goal was to leave by the long weekend, now Paul has been delayed at work. I know it will all come together, eventually. We are just so anxious to be there!!


  1. I think what you are doing is fantastic! I just looked at Martina's blog and saw her musings on TV. I love my TV, but it is probably healthy to put oneself out reach of one. There is none at the cabin on Quadra. I don't imagine you ever watch much. I think you are going to love this year. All the best to all of you! Love Auntie Kathy

  2. Wow Heather what an adventure you'll be on on! You're living my husnabd's dream! I have to applaud you with your decision to living in the wildreness but just think of the memories you'll make and what an experience! All the best to you and your family throughout the year! I look forward to hearing about your great adventure! Take care and enjoy yourself! Tanya Fontaine
