Thursday, April 29, 2010

Quadded Out To Mail

Yep, we figured "What the Heck", let's give it a go, and it was a blast.  There were a few spots that still had a lot of snow and we had to do a little pushing, but with chains on the tires we made it to the trucks in pretty decent time.  The snow was actually quite wet and dropped as soon as you came into contact with it.  Our travelling the trail will only help for the next time, especially the spots that we got down to the gravel, if only the sun would shine a little more.   The rain we got the last few days made a difference up high too, we were seeing bare peaks around us, and now they are all white again. We figure that next mail day we'll drive our little Toyota out with not too much problem.  Paul is itching to try it with the truck, he wants to go tomorrow, he has a new winch on it... if only we had tire chains for it too...


  1. Glad you are having a blast in the snow. We can relate ,sort of as we did quadding in the desert this winter and it was a blast.Snow versus sand uuum I think at our age we will go with the sand.Have fun. MarieAnne and Omer

  2. hi, i am very interested in your hole adventure and someday i will pursue this myself, but i have a few things that truely disgust me about your whole adventure, WHAT IS WITH ALL THE F TRAPPING AND THE UNECESSARY KILLING OF ALL THOSE WOLVERINES AND WHAT EVER ELSE YOU PEOPLE BUTCHERED DURING YOUR TIME THERE, YOU SAY YOU TRAPPED TO MAKE MONEY, IF YOU HAD NO MONEY YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME . YOUR A SICK BUNCH !

  3. For those of you bleeding heart Liberals out there who don't understand or refuse to use common sense when it comes to trapping I ask you would you rather see animals overpopulated and dying of starvation and distemper I think not. So as you sit in your leather chair wearing your leather shoes ask yourself is it really my place to make comments like that to a family that is trying to show there children there are other ways to live than being plugged in to a video game and having to get a cell phone detached from ones ear. So please the next time you are feeling inclined to offer your not so valuable opinion stop and think maybe i should mind my own f'n business..Thank you
