Just yesterday we headed out to our trail head for a "Block Party" weiner roast with some of the people from the valley. The plus temperatures that we have been having are nice but they are also playing havoc with our plans to go out to the valley. So yesterday we met our friends at the trail head, where we connect to the main road. We have made a fire pit there for lunch stops on mail day and our friends who came to visit from the outside use the spot to park when they come in. Anyway we have been using the lake to travel since our trail is hard packed and frozen and does nothing for our sliders on the sleds, (even with our little trapper sleds we can smell them heating up) so the lake offers us more area with snow. We usually stick near shore and yesterday was no different. As we zoomed along in typical Yamaha Bravo fashion, I noticed a set of horns right near shore. They measured 43" and looked as if they had dropped from the sky, there was nothing else there but a pelvic bone. The kill had probably happened in November or so and the animals have either hauled the rest away or this was hauled out on to the lake when the snow was harder. Anyhow we were quite happy with our find.

Also yesterday, Sasha decided that she wanted to drive her little 120 sled out to the weiner roast, so we thought that was fine and I pulled a skimmer that we could load her sled on if she got tired. The fire pit area we made is about 25 km from the cabins and the determined girl that she is, she drove the whole way. It was +7 when left home, so about all she had to worry about was sore thumb. We were pretty proud of her. We visited there for 3 hours or so, then headed back and she made 'er back here no problem. That was her first solo trip and she did awesome.
Here is us going for mail 2 weeks ago.
Heather and Paul.....the family is really growing! It is always special to follow you on a few of your outings.....stay safe! Aunt Wendy and Uncle Don sending our love.