The last couple of weeks in February myself and the kids had a chance to go on the trapline with Paul. Our beautiful weather gave us an excellant opportunity to see the areas that he was trapping this year. The first trip we made, we went with him to the "Top of the Mountain Trail" and we couldn't have picked a better day.

The sky was about as blue as a sky can get and as you can see the sun was shining, which hasn't happened much this winter. Our 3 little trappers had the time of their lives, loving the chance to see what exactly dad did when he was out on the line. Then a week or so later we went with Paul to pull traps, since the season for most of the animals that we are trapping was ending. This trip we decided to stay at one of Larry's cabins at 20 mile and stay a few days to break up the trip. We had 160 km of line to cover and with the kids we figured that we should do it in 2 days. We loved the little cabin, it housed the 5 of us perfectly and the area was so nice to be at, we could have stayed longer.

This trip took us behind Larry's the first day, and it was new country for me to cover. I always think that it is so amazing when we travel to the back country like this and see signs of some trapping Larry did years ago. We can tell where his old trail was and even where he put some of his sets. He of course, didn't have a snowmobile to haul his butt around as we do, he relied in his dogteam and snowshoes to cover the same territory.
The second day we travelled back up to the top of the mountain and we were seeing fresh wolverine sign a good part of the way near the top. Both Paul and I new that there was a set ahead that housed some bait and was set especially for a wolverine. We saw the tracks go to 2 or 3 marten sets and then simply walk by. As we approached we saw something that I didn't think I would ever see...
A wolverine was right there in front of us, amazing. Both Paul and I had never seen one until coming here, since we have not caught one of these at our trapline in Alberta. We have wolf, lynx, marten, weasel, squirrel, mink and fisher, but wolverines no such luck. This was pretty exciting for us, never mind the kids, they are pretty lucky to see all these things at their ages.
Well that pretty much topped off our trapping season, there are still a few animals open, but we are pretty happy with our outcome so far: 4 wolverine, 2 lynx, 150 marten, 2 weasels, and lots of squirrels. We heard the wolves this morning, so maybe that will be the next bg thrill, to see or hear from more of them.